This is

Norway offshore

In June 2020, the Norwegian government opened the two offshore areas Utsira Nord and Sørlige Nordsjø II for renewable energy production. One year later, the Ministry of Petroleum and Energy undertook a public consultation allowing for comments on the Offshore Energy Act and the Offshore Energy Regulations. The industry is currently awaiting information on how the Norwegian government intends to structure the leasing rounds.

Focusing on

Floating Wind

Magnora Offshore Wind, focusing on floating wind, have decided to at least apply for the Utsira Nord site, which is located approximately 25 km west of Karmøy and 6.5 km west of the island Utsira. The water depth in the area varies between approximately 180-280 meters which makes the area suitable for floating offshore wind. ​

We are currently reviewing the area with respect to environmental and other physical constraints to understand key limitations and opportunities within the site, as well as identify the need for further knowledge of specific aspects and dialogue with competing interests.

Further, in line with our value of utilising local competence and skills, we are reviewing how fabrication, installation and operation can be cost competitively, while leveraging existing knowledge and supply chain on the west coast of Norway.